• HP57934203, BLK PBLD

Sushi, originally named Sonoshee, came to us at 8 weeks from another breeder. Since she was a puppy, she has always been as mellow as a couch pillow, and she passes this temperment on to her puppies sometimes, like with Monet! Sushi is an absolutely amazing mother, and loves raising her puppies, often not wanting to wean or part with them until well after 6 weeks (usually we start weaning at 4 weeks but we take considerations from the mama's and work with their preferred timelines). Sushi will be retiring in 2022 after her final litter, and going to live in Arizona with Brianna's mother (who already has a couple puppies from SunChime hehe). 

When Sushi was very little, maybe 10 weeks, Brianna's family went to Leavenworth, WA on vacation, and Sushi got to go along. At that time her name was Sonoshee, so named after a character from the animated movie "Redline". However, nobody but Brianna knew the name. At first, Brianna's mom tried to call her Snoopy, probably because she loves Snoopy and has ever since she was young (another reason Sushi will be going to live with her when she retires!). However, everyone else started calling her Sushi because that is Brianna's favorite food. What can I say, it stuck. Sushi as a 10 week old puppy got to go tubing down the Leavenworth river, and there's only a single photo of the event, a picture of baby Sushi wearing the tiniest doggy life jacket in existence.